Breath of Magdalene with Lizzie Rae Rose + Faye Wylder


Listen to our ceremony here



Today’s altar honors Magdalene, and The Entire Order of Magdalena, including, Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet, Mother Mary, Anna, St. Bernadette, The Lady of Lourdes, Joan of Arc, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, The Faerie Queens, Her Majesty the Rose, and Yeshua.


Elements of this altar were created by Magdlene Sisters, Tamara Patrick  and Linzy Arnott  


Thank you thank you thank you Sisters for joining us.

Thank you Mary Magdalene for reflecting our inherent divinity to us across all space and time as the power of undefended love.

Thank you Mother Mary for caring for us.

Thank you All for Being the Home of God.

We are so grateful to weave and rise together in the mystery of Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness that we all Gno so well.

Please let us know how we can support you in your heroic human journey.

We’d love to connect through the links below.


Lizzie Rae Rose | @awakewoman

Faye Wylder | @fayewylder

On July 22, 2018, may every Being on Earth be in celebratory ceremony for their own Sovereign Embodied Divinity. 

And so it is.