it’s sweet how you feel deeply worried for their future and like you gotta protect them but then you realize they came from the future and all times and no times just like you and there’s a reason you’re all together with whomever you’re all together with and they’re more brilliant and powerful than you and all your lifetimes and then you relax and enjoy life and recall the best parenting advice ever – act as if you’re guiding and witnessing a dear friend on a psychedelic journey (which we all are if we take a moment) and you may stop yelling ‘get in the car brush your teeth finish your sandwich don’t take your penis out at the table’ slightly less times each day because you’re busy watching a giant blue heron who usually lives by the water, swoop into your grassy valley, strut around, stalk, catch, and swallow whole a mouse which you see pass through the entire two feet of its throat while wearing matching sun glasses all before 9am